Virtual tours

The Stars of Science Walk

La Palma under the stars and among the stars of science

Join us on this virtual tour of the Stars of Science Walk, on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. We will stroll among great celebrities of science who have visited the island and who have contributed decisively to the advancement of humanity in our understanding of the Cosmos. You can get more information just by clicking on the “i”. This information will be updated frequently. Are you coming?

Although the first tribute plaques were presented in 2016 on the Stars of Science Walk, it was not officially inaugurated until December 6th, 2020. The promoters of the initiative, the Island Council of La Palma, Santa Cruz de La Palma Town Hall and the Canarian Astrophysics Institute (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, IAC), want to honour great researchers and scientists, and to create an inspiring legacy for future generations.

This is the first tour in the world dedicated to recognizing the character and work of Celebrities of Science. The Walk is introduced by a vertical monolith that is followed by the stars with the names of the honoured personalities on the pavement.

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